Showing posts with label neo damansara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neo damansara. Show all posts

neo progress payment

lamanya tak update! been so consumed with work lately. this new job has really taking up my time, especially with all the travelling involved.

anyway. that's story for another day.

i started paying progress interest payment for our neo damansara apartment to ambank since june 2011. cost me rm258 per month. one bad thing about this new loan is the late payment fee of rm10 if we miss a 14-day window from the due date. so far dah 3 bulan missed by a few days. that's rm30 down the drain. hampeh.

anyway the building construction progress looks ok. they have completed until 16th floor. a few more floors to go.

recently the developer has also launched sale of second block service apaartment, and from what i read it was selling like hot pisang goreng. good news. people are still buying it even though the price is higher that what i paid.

hopefully they can finish it on time.

beli apartment neo dapat duit!

a week before raya i submitted an epf applcation to withdraw some money from account 2, under 'pengeluaran membeli rumah'. up to 20% of the neo damansara apartment can be claimed back (10% of the cost plus the initial deposit paid, which is usually 10%).

the withdrawal procedure is quite simple, just need to prepare some documents related to the property purchased and fill in an application form.

1. ic photocopy
2. sale and purchase agreement
3. loan letter of offer from bank
4. bank statement
5. completed epf form 9c

my first submission was rejected because the bank statement did not have my full name printed. hampeh. plus i did not bring the original loan letter of offer. since the bank did not certified the photocopy upfront, epf team need to see the original letter. same goes to s&p as well.

the lady who entertained my application at the epf office was really nice and helpful though. tak jadi nak marah although kena reject. kan bagus kalau semua customer service officer baik macam dia.

some important points:
1. both the property and loan must be under applicant's name.
2. s&p must be max of 3 years old.
3. all account 2 balance can be withdrawn (minimum withdrawal rm500).
4. application for 2nd property can only be done if the 1st property has change of ownership.

balik2 from kampung, tengok duit dah masuk dalam bank account. memang pantas aaa diorang ni. kpi tiga minggu, seminggu lebih je dah masuk.


ini seterusnya akan di channel ke ruang2 pelabuaran yang memberi return more than the usual 5% given by epf.

gotta stay away from golf stores and car custom shops now!!!

neo: loan agreement completed!

yesterday met with ambank loan lawyer to complete signing of loan documents. bagus pulak lawyer ni, weekend pun kerja, dah laa orang kelantan. boleh guna lagi for next project. (eh, dah pikir next project? hoho).

as usual, for a new property development with offer of free legal fees, the developer has their own panel of banks.. kroni diorang laa kiranya ni. in neo damansara's case, the choice was either maybank, ambank or rhb.

at last i picked ambank. sebab? longer loan term. plus dia punya processing agak pantas. within a week or so the offer was given to me. on the letter of offer the following items are listed.

1. loan type and value (including mrta cost).
2. loan period. mine was for 480 months. gila lama. pencen pun tak habis bayar.
3. loan rate. blr-1.9%
4. monthly installment value.

so lega that everything is settled. now standby bayar installments (interest portion only) every month until the project is completed.

neo: s&p dah ready!

received s&p (sale and purchase agreement) for our neo damansara studio, to be signed and then to return back to the developer for stamping. all together there are four copies; one each for owner, bank, developer and lawyer.

loan application is in progress with ambank.

things are looking up!

layan gambar unit contoh dulu (pakai c902 ni, tak clear sangat)...

rm3k for a neo...

i could have swiped rm3k on my new credit card for a new callaway x-tour golf set, macam 2010 u.s open winner mcdowell pakai ni...

or spanking new rims for our trusted rio... kesian dia sejak si siti took his place on our driveway...

or a new blackberry / iphone

but finally, got my head straight and proceed to pay booking for a new neo...

oopps, takleh excited sangat, loan tak approve lagi ni! hope that everything will be ok.

read more at neo damansara.