Showing posts with label mutual fund. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mutual fund. Show all posts

public mutual investment cantek!

i watched man utd vs spurs last night. the 0-0 draw was not typical of man utd-spurs match which normally is a high scoring game. i even had time to check our update on public mutual investment (eventhough not much, still have to monitor from time to time). since i've sold pissf and the dissappointing picf (ada ke fund invested kat china yang return ok???), the only funds left are pief (public islamic equity fund) and pidf (public islamic dividend fund). both of which i used mt epf money.

PIEF: 41% within 2 years and 5 months.

PIDF: 28% within 1 year and four months

alhamdulillah. so far so good.

on the other hand, if i had stayed on which the other two funds mentioned earlier:

PICF: -14% after 3 years!!! hampeh!

PISSF: 29% after three years good!

overall, with exception of PCIF, i think that after 3 years, the return from mutual funds is pretty good. it is designed to be a medium to long term investment option anyway. our first ever venture in public mutual fund was PIOF back in 2005 (baru masuk keje, sikit je masuk), and check out the return:

PIOF: 142% within 5 years and six months!!!

i just remembered that we can now invest our epf money into public ittikal too! this particular fund has been the key incidator to pm's islamic funds. kira fund yang paling popularlah. kalau tanya agent/s, mesti graph public ittikal ni yang selalu dijaja2. sebab performance dia memang mantapppp.

mmm, nak keluar lagi ke tak duit epf ni???

public mutual: satu untung, satu rugi!

last week i repurchased (read: jual balik) public islamic select sector fund (pissf) and public china ittikal fund (pcif). made a pittance on pissf and quite considerable loss on pcif.

it was super easy to do it. i just went to public mutual branch and filled in the repurchase form (complete with the fund's account number). up to three funds can be repurchased using a single form. the payout can be in cheque or direct to bank account (public bank or maybank). once everything is processed successfully, they will send a final transaction receipt. it took about 7 working days for the money to be ready.

pissf: invested RM5k, received RM5,370.
pcif: invested RM2.8K, received RM2.5K.

well, no more mutual funds for me. not cash investment at least!

that being said, not all public mutual funds are at loss, just certain funds. plus probably the purchase timing and the way i handled the funds was not right. tak buat dca, tak switch ke, entahlah. my epf investment on the other hand, i.e. public islamic dividend fund (pidf) and public islamic equity fund (pief) are making a handsome return. hope that the trend continues...

you'll lose some, you'll win some, rite?

public mutual unit trust untung lebih 100%!!!

lama dah tak usya unit trust status ngan public mutual. apa khabarnya ekk? ada yang kata rugi invest dalam unit trust, ada yang kata untung. mmmm. mari kita lihat siapa yang kena. first, start ngan cash investment:

piof: 106% appreciation within 5 and a half years. masyuuukkk! tapi lima tahun lepas gaji kecik, so invest sikit ajer...

pissf: 8% appreciation within 3 and a half years. tak berapa nak masyuk. target nak simpan 2 tahun lagi...

pcif: -20% within 3 years. hampehhh. nasib baik laa untuk fund ni initial investment tak tinggi and kitorang top up gak bulan2 waktu harga dia jatuh. so effectively takde laa loss sampai 20%.

now investment using epf money pulak. epf return was 5.6% for 2009 and 4.5% for 2008. so kalau public fund boleh bagi higher return, memang bagussss.

pidf: 10% within 7 month. menarikkkkk!

pief: 22% within 1 year & 10 months . woohoo!

overall, invest dalam unit trust memang ok for long term, at least 5 tahun. kena sabar je la. tapi sekarang since tengah focus kat asb-od nie, i am utilising my epf fund je. cash tu lagi best pusing kat lain!

Summary (based on price as 30/4/10):

PIOF : RM1.0k : 5,672.37 units @ RM0.3365 (RM1,908) : 90% in 5.5 years.
PISSF: RM5.0k : 19,342.25 units @ RM0.2647 (RM5,119) : 2.4% in 3.5 years.
PCIF : RM2.8k : 13,456.31 units @ RM0.1947 (RM2,619) : -6.5% in 3 years.
PIEF : RM2.5k : 9,084.46 units @ RM0.3266 (RM2,966) : 18.7% in 1.8 years.
PIDF : RM4.0k : 13,304.20 units @ RM 0.3212 (RM4,273) : 6.8% in 7 months.