yesterday met with ambank loan lawyer to complete signing of loan documents. bagus pulak lawyer ni, weekend pun kerja, dah laa orang kelantan. boleh guna lagi for next project. (eh, dah pikir next project? hoho).
as usual, for a new property development with offer of free legal fees, the developer has their own panel of banks.. kroni diorang laa kiranya ni. in neo damansara's case, the choice was either maybank, ambank or rhb.
at last i picked ambank. sebab? longer loan term. plus dia punya processing agak pantas. within a week or so the offer was given to me. on the letter of offer the following items are listed.
1. loan type and value (including mrta cost).
2. loan period. mine was for 480 months. gila lama. pencen pun tak habis bayar.
3. loan rate. blr-1.9%
4. monthly installment value.
so lega that everything is settled. now standby bayar installments (interest portion only) every month until the project is completed.
juri, neo ni baper harga dia?
421sqft: ranges from around 200k to 300k. lowest cost is at the 7th floor: for every floor increase, add 2k. also, for ikea view, add 20k compared to same unit facing the hill.
521sqft: ranges from 280k to 360k (something like that).
aku tak ingat the exact figure range laa. but mine is a 421sqft, 24th floor, facing ikea. rm284k.
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