pcgb ipo offer... beli ke tak beli?

the company is offering option to its staff to purchase new ipo (initial public offering) for pcgb (petronas chemical group berhad) shares. this new entity is a merger of a few petrochemical companies under petronas. from my understanding (and with little knowledge about stocks, etc) normally, a company listing to bursa saham is made to raise cash for further expansion.

not really sure about the potential of this stock, however after a few discussions and online reading, here are a few pointers:

1. petronas will be the major shareholder (possibly 70% stake) to maintain majority control. other major players rumoured to be involved are epf and technip. only around 10% will be open to public.

2. this is malaysia's second largest ipo after maxis comm berhad. it is one of two offerings from petronas, the other one being mmhe (malaysian marine and heavy engineering sdn bhd). it is expected to raise around usd2b (around rm6b) from the process.

3. it is made from 22 companies under petronas, with total asset of rm27b (source: business times).

4. the ipo will likely to be published next month. so kena cepat2 buat cds (central depository system) account lah dengan bursa saham. nanti kempunan...

nak beli ke tak ni. tengok semua orang macam nak beli. ada yg siap apply loan lagi. tapi tak nak laa beli sebab orang lain beli. mmmmmmm... sapa laa yg expert boleh ku tanya?

apa2 hal buat cds account dulu (fee rm10 je). proceed ngan cimb sebab layan website itrade dia agak menarik. boleh belajar online stock trading lepas ni. lagipun dah ada cimb account, so senang la sket.


Unknown said...

kalau aku tak beli lagi, dunia petchem ni kan ada pasang surut dia... alahhh tak kan tak tahu...:) bila time optimal half load ke, etylene half production ke... time tu lah kita beli... just my 2 cents!

JuRi said...

wakif: itulah, aku pun terfikir gaks pasal tu... emmm. aku ingat proceed ngan cds application dulu apa2hal pun. bial dia dah declare nanti, kasi pikir sekali lagi.

JuRi said...

Zura: isi dulu cds tu. guane? kalau ada extra info nanti sesama share lah kita.