tamron lense 17-50mm review: very very cool!

got myself a new lense a week ago. tamron 17-50mm, f2.8, with vc (vibration control). rm1.9k at amcorp mall pj. keep telling myself that it is for self reward sempena naik pangkat, just to justify the price tag. i found it to be very useful, since it can covers potraiture, scenery, group picture, etc etc.

since the purchase, i've been snapping pictures a lot! gi shopping mall snap pictures, pi kerja amek gambar, main basketball bawak d90, even tengah buat f.a.t pun layan camera. sifu pun bawak camera dia ke mana2, so kena follow laa... baru cepat pandai.

jom layan gambar...

f.a.t setup: f3.5, 1/100s, iso1600.

basketball in kerteh: f2.8, 1/2500s, iso1600.

beach runner: f2.8, 1/100s, iso1250.

pyramid cameramen: f2.8, 1/200s, iso1250.

nyonya restaurant puchong: f2.8, 1/100s, iso500.

my callaway x16: f3.5, 1/250s, iso600.


Kerel said...

Cayalah beb. ini lens memang sangat best. tak payah pakai lens lain dah. shoot more picts, show to more people.

JuRi said...

sifu, totally agree. aku jatuh cinta dgn lense ni pun lepas borrow sifu punya lense. hahaha.

JuRi said...

next LBL event dah kena charge PMO rasanya ni Zura.