we went to nik and bos wedding in pasir mas, kelantan. i had my first ever wedding photoshoot with d90. selamba je join geng photographers yang dah pro kat wedding ni. banyak juga belajar cara diorang snap pics, especially angle-angle yang mantap. best bawak camera, dapat full access during the event. berdiri sekaki in front of the bride and groom pun tak kena marah, even bilik pengantin pun dapat masuk. hahahaha. tapi takde gambar best dalam bilik sebab takde camera flash. guna built-in flash ni tak best sangat... so nanti nak kena beli flash pulak.
location: kg chicha, pasir mas, kelantan
event: nik and bos wedding
gadgets: d90, 10-20mm, 70-300mm
congratulations to nik and bos. semoga kekal ke akhir hayat...
my pics of the day...
location: kg chicha, pasir mas, kelantan
event: nik and bos wedding
gadgets: d90, 10-20mm, 70-300mm
congratulations to nik and bos. semoga kekal ke akhir hayat...
my pics of the day...
Kalau macam tue jimat la duit Azman and julaiha sebab dah ader cemera man free.....
oppss. amik gambar dulu, kalau cantek gila memang kena charge laaa...
aah D90...idaman kalbu....
teringin gila aku, tapi apakan daya...halangan mem besar...ko takpela, mem yg belikan...
btw, bape harga body D90 tu kat market skang?
lucky me!
klu tak salah rm3080 is the cheapest yg kitorang dapat survey.. at amcorp mall.
jom la join geng nikon beb!
3k body only or with a lense? a 18-25mm I guess?
body only beb. cannot remember what is the cost for a set complete with kit lense..
the figure is surely close to 5k....
Aku tgh usha 500D by Canon. D90 punya sensor was made by Sony. If that's a real fact, then Sony is a huge DSLR powerhouse by now. Bleh la nak consider alpha 700 kot...
tu pun kalau bini bagi. =(
aku jumpa kat Low Yat, D90 + 18-105mm RM4200.
Ah kopak.
RM4200 with lense? Angkat beb, jangan tak angkat. lagi ramai lagi best! January ni nak enrol class at Kuantan.
Not so sure about the sony thing though. Kena cari pengikut sony laa baru tahu!
hati suda mau angkat... tapi halangan tetap ada =(
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