alkisah public mutual lagi...

last week we went to PM office in bangsar. we can request from the officer to print out a summary statement of all funds that we have invested in. very very useful, especially for those who have agent sengal yang after buat sales, takde follow up report pun...

public islamic oportunities fund (piof): 99% return in 6 years!
public islamic select sector fund (pissf): 20% return in 3.5 years!

public china ittikal fund (pcif): -23% in 3.5 years!

pcif still maintains a negative return, despite being more than three years in the market. hampagas betul! time to cut the losses and sell them off!!!

we can actually sell the units by ourselves at the PM office, there's no need to go through our agent.

our epf fund investment on the other hand:

pief (29/8/08): 32% in 3 years
pidf (7/9/09): 24% in 2.5 years

i am sticking to my plan to constantly invest a portion of my epf money into mutual funds. once or twice every year.

1 comment:

Simply a Book Review Blog said...

PCIF..haha memang hampagas. Aku pun dah jual hari tu..kat 10% loss gak la. Tinggal PIEF and PIADF. PIADF doing decently masa market down ni.